Saturday, March 30, 2013

House update!!!

Last week Nama, mommy and I were shopping at Home Goods and mommy found these great blue and white chairs that spurred redecorating ideas!!!  She bought those chairs and moved our leather chairs into the hearth room (replacing the patterned chairs).  She fell in love with it all so much that she started to do lots of little and inexpensive projects to update and freshen up the house! chairs to lighted the room!

Then a new rug for the entry way.  She also moved the dining room lights into the Great room behind the couch and added some new light accessories.

You can see the lighter entry rug below.  We still need to work on the decorations on the buffet, but we did move a different light in here and a picture.

Here is a close up of the Great room - you can also see the leather chairs in the hearth room.  More pictures of that room to be taken in awhile.

We love how it brightened up the room and made it ready for spring!
 Since we leaned in the blue we added some blue and white into the downstairs bathroom.  Mom painted a big "H" for above the toilet and found the orchid in a blue container from Marshall's.

She found a blue towel and then did a craft project to update the picture.  She found cool fabric and replaced the picture with the fabric...we love it!  It pulls in the orange and blues so we do not have to repaint the bathroom!

She did the fabric project to the 3 big pictures in the upstairs hallway and brightened up that space too.  It was really inexpensive: $2 for paint to repaint the mattes and $18 for the fabric that covered 4 big pictures (with extra fabric in the basement for other projects)!

We LOVE our house and how fun it looks this season!  We are looking for more fun craft projects to update!!!!

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