Saturday, March 30, 2013

Soccer Debut!

Today was a very exciting very first soccer game EVER!  Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, mommy, daddy and I got to filed 3 a bit early to scope it out and look for my team.  I am joining a team that has been playing together for awhile.  My team is called the Ladybugs and our jersey's are red!  I got to meet my Coach's" Coach Andrew and Coach Kate!  They are very nice!  I was also excited to see that Peyton and Ella (twins from my school) and Katelyn (from cheer leading) are on my team!

Today we played against my friend Avery from school and we saw my best friend Addison from school.  Mom and Nama Vicki also saw Miss Lori and Sydney was a happening place!

I did such a good job today! I practiced with the kids in the beginning.  Although this was all new to me I really was not that nervous and just joined right in!  When the game started I ran right along with the other kids and really hustled!  I kicked the ball a few times too.  It was really fun!  They have us play 3 on 3 and we play in 4 minute sessions, then take a 4 minute break!  When I was on my first break I turned to mom and asked "when will I get to go back in"?  I loved it and wanted to play all day!

A few minutes into the game it started raining and then pouring pretty hard.  It was fun playing in the rain!  At another break I said "we have scored 3 goals and the other team has scored 4.  we need to score more".  Everyone was shocked I was keeping score in my head because no one else was....I guess I am a competitive gal!

At the end of the game I was sad it was over and I am SO excited to come back and play again!  Coach Kate and Coach Andrew said I did an excellent job and that you would never know it was my first game ever!  Everyone was so proud of me and excited that I LOVE it so much!

After the game we all went to Johnny Brusco's to have pizza and celebrate!!


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