Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Play Rough"

I love to play rough with Dad!  My favorite place to play rough is on mom and dad's BIG bed!  I must ask him to play rough 15 times a day and it goes something like this....

"You wanna play rough you little Harry?" (yep, this is what I say to dad when I want to play rough)

Then I may ask him to "try one of your new moves on me" (then he will put me in some kind of crazy wrestling hold while I giggle and try to get out)

Then I will say "I am ready to get out daddy...."  he will ignore me and then I will say "I am really ready to get out daddy"

Then he will let me out of the crazy new hold and I will say "let's play rough some more, you little Harry.  Try another move on me."

That will go on and on for awhile until one of us decides we are done.  It is usually dad that says we are done and then this is what usually happens....

Dad says "okay Kate, we are done playing rough now".

I will ignore him and keep playing rough.

Dad will say "we are done Kate, stop playing rough"

I will ignore him and keep playing rough.

Dad will say "Kate, stop playing rough or it is time for bed"

I will ignore him one more time....

Dad will then pull some totally cool flip over "play rough" move on me...."heehee, I got him" - I think to myself

I will do some crazy kick/punch move and land on his head.

I will then get in trouble because I was supposed to stop playing rough

Mom wonders why I have not caught on by now.  Guess it is because it is just SO MUCH FUN to play rough!

I love playing rough with my "Little Harry Daddy"

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