Tuesday, June 11, 2013


You will never believe it...we rented a mini van!  Mom's car got hit in the parking lot last week and when we dropped it off to get fixed our insurance company let us rent a car. 

When mom, dad and I went to get our car I noticed there were mini vans in the lot.  I ran out to tell Dad that I wanted a mini van.  The car rental guy told us that it would cost us a lot more a day to rent a mini van, bummer dude.  But....when he found out that it was ME who wanted the mini, he gave it to us for free!!  

So, we have been driving around in the coolest car ever!  I buckle up Lambie and Taylor.  I play and LOVE to press the button to open and close the doors!  It is awesome....now I just need to convince DADDY to buy one for his next car!


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