Sunday, February 18, 2018

Class Valentine's Day box

This year we had a report and presentation associated with our Valentine's Day boxes.  That meant a lot more planning, documenting of the steps, picture taking, report writing, typing, printing, building the poster board presentation and practicing my speech!  I loved how "Up, Up and Away" turned out - cutest hot air balloon ever!

On Valentine's Day I was carrying in the box to school.  I almost made it to the classroom when "POP!" - my balloon popped and my cool valentine's day box was no longer cool!  Mrs. Smith was so nice about and tried to make me laugh and then emailed mom asking her to bring a new balloon to school so we could fix it.  I was sick about it, but did a great job of staying cool!  Mom got to school in time to fix it all up perfectly!  My presentation went flawlessly and I got a 100% on the project!!!



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