Friday, January 3, 2020

Christmas at Nama and Papa's

Boy oh boy were there a lot of presents!!  The cousins all opened first.  We opened one round at a time so everyone got a good look at what everyone got and we could thank everyone.  The system worked awesome.  Some of my present highlights were lots of Tarte makeup, Lululemon tops, a Lululemon gift card, a hair dryer, makeup mirror, sang volleyball and lots of other treasures! 

After we opened we had our official breakfast (we already had early morning donuts) of eggs, bacon, sausage and toast.  After, the adults had their opening.  Us kids watched some of it, but spent most of our time playing together upstairs and watching a movie.  It was such a fun morning.

Aunt Linda and Uncle Pat came into town and we timed all the present opening perfect so when they arrived it was time for our Mexican fiesta late lunch!  We had tacos, enchiladas, cheese dip and all sorts of goodies!

We spent the afternoon playing with our gifts, watching some football and spending great quality time together!

Christmas is just awesome and so is my family!


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