Friday, January 3, 2020

Christmas Eve 2019!!

Christmas officially starts as we load the presents in our rental car (hopefully SUV) and head down to Pittsburg for Christmas Eve!  We went out to lunch at the mall deli and ran into Gigi Horton and dad's Aunt and Uncle, which was a nice surprise and an opportunity to give Gigi her Christmas presents and cookie tin in person!

We then celebrate Christmas over at Gigi and Gipa's with some present opening!  Mom tried (unsuccessfully) to install a new sound bar to their TV and ended up messing up their TV as a result!! After a few hours of messing with the tv, a few visits to the cable company and a few phone calls and discussions with service people, she finally got it all working again...phew!!

We then went back to Nama Vicki and Papa Dick's for a dinner of soup, salads and sandwiches and then the best part....present opening!  We were all spoiled like crazy with amazing gifts.  My highlights included a ton of Lululemon pants and tops, a cool pair of Nike tennis shoes, a Nike sweatshirt and even a gel manicure kit and polishes!  It was such a fun night!

As tradition, we loaded back into the car and headed home so that I can wake up in my bed Christmas morning!

Merry Christmas!


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