Thursday, November 5, 2020

More puppy fun

 Olive is adjusting well to the her new life and Mia is working on getting adjusted to Olive!  Olive loves exploring, bugging Mia, playing with Mia, barking, pottying all over the house, playing with her babies, snuggling and laying in her dog bed next to mom when mom works.  She does not like her kennel or being alone and will scream and cry to let you know it.

She is sleeping in mom and dad's bed and is even sleeping through the night most nights.  She and Mia really do love to play with each other and they will chase each other around the house and around the back yard.  They also love to play tug of war with their babies.  Mia will drop a baby right away if Olive goes for it....Olive seems to always win.




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