Thursday, November 5, 2020


 Dad and I have talked about getting another dog forever, but mom has always just laughed us off.  For some amazingly crazy reason she decided we should get a dog and we did!!

Mom found a white miniature schnauzer puppy on a puppy website she follows and she called to ask about it.  It had a heart murmur so dad said he didn't think it was a good idea.  I could not believe mom was interested enough to even make the call!  Later that night she looked up the place we got Mia and they had miniature schnauzer puppies!  They had a facebook live video post and we got to see the adorable puppies up close!

I then started to work up a plan on how to convince dad.  I counted all my money from the sale of my stuff on marketplace and had enough to buy one.  The next day after school I came up and was ready to convince Dad.  I started my convincing story and he stopped me in my tracks....I got teary eyed as I thought my chances were done.  Then mom handed me her phone and told me to pick one of the 3 adorable puppies on her phone.  I was so confused, but then realized she meant that her and dad agreed to get a puppy and I cried even more!

We got up super early Saturday and drove the 3.5 hours to pick out our puppy!  There were 3 to choose from and we got their early and got to play with them by ourselves (mom called and asked if we could get in before they opened and they let us).  That goodness we got there early because as soon as they opened tons of people came in and started to pick and buy puppies!  We picked the calmest one who was just so sweet!

After we paid for her we drove the 3.5 hours home.  In the care we brainstormed names and decided on Olive U. Horton (say it out loud :) ).  She is just adorable and was such a good girl and cuddled with us the entire drive home.

When we got home mom went to get Mia and we all met at TCE so that the dogs could meet on neutral territory.  Mia was unsure of her (we were nervous she was going to think she was a bunny and we all know what Mia does with bunnies)!  They played and had fun together.  Nama came over to meet Olive and we all had fun playing with her!  She is just adorable.

Now we have to work on potty training and get her to stop chewing on everything and pulling up our rugs!!




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