Saturday, July 9, 2022


Kate brings Lambie with her on all our trips.  Lambie sleeps with her in her hotel bed and then he is usually laying on the bed just like the first photo after the room is cleaned.

She brought Lambie to Dallas where we stayed at a huge hotel - over 1200 rooms.  I happened to take a photo of Lambie on the bed our second day because i thought it was so cute how the maid service made the bed with him.

The third night as we were going to bed Kate panicked as she realized Lambie was not in the room.  We looked everywhere and then finally called the front desk when we realized Lambie must have been picked up with the sheets when the maids cleaned the room.  And we were right.

The hotel manager assisted us and had no luck finding him that night.  And no luck finding him the next day either - but he had a plan on how to hunt him down.  While we were at the airport to catch our flight home I got a call from the hotel saying "the Lamb has been found"!  He was put in the lost and found by the maid service.

They were going to ship Lambie home.  Thing was almost a week and no Lambie.  We were afraid he got lost in transit.  Turns out he was never mailed to us.  After talking again to the hotel he was shipped with tracking number and arrived at our house a few days later!

Boy did Lambie have an adventure and are we all happy he is HOME!

Here is Lambie at the hotel the day he got lost:

Here is Lambie the day he arrive safely home (and after a good bath):




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