Saturday, May 10, 2008

Another Update

Today we are taking it easy....looks like mom and dad do not have much planned so I should tell you all about what I did this week. I rolled over for the first time....I have been kinda lazy and won't do it for mom and dad again but boy were they excited when I did it that one time! Of course mom ran to get the camera to get a shot of me right after I rolled over. I was very proud of myself!!

Grandma Fimmen flew in on Wednesday to spend some time with us! Dad, mom and I went to the airport to pick her up....I was a good girl and slept the entire way there. That night we all went out to dinner. I surprised everyone with a big dirty big dad had to run out to the car for some clean clothes! I surprised grandma and wore a grandma shirt...once again they had to put a bow on my head so everyone could tell I am a girl!

Thursday mom, grandma and I went shopping for flowers and then planted them around the house...they look so pretty! We also went to Aunt Jenny's track meet (my first track meet ever) and saw her coach the triple jump. Daddy came home early and grilled out dinner for us...yummy!!

I hope to update this blog every day or so to keep you all posted on what I have been up to! Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I plan to spend all day with Mom (with Dad's help).

Good night!

Kate xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed! My little niece IS gifted!!!!!!!! I love you Kate! And hey- talk more about your Aunt Jenny and how hot she is!!!