Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New stuff...

Some new stuff I do:
  • I wave my hand in the air to make the sensor in Grama's alarm system turn red! Just like Grama taught me!
  • I say "Moo" when mommy asks me what a cow says
  • I say "uh oh" at all the right times. I have been doing that for awhile now, so I may have already told everyone!
  • I sometimes say "uh oh" before I do something that I should say "uh oh" to...for example "uh oh", then I drop my sippy cup!!! It is so funny! I crack myself up!
  • I put my hands in the air upside down when I am "all done"
  • I point at what I want
  • I say "uha" when I want to do something. For example: Grama may say "Kate do you want to read a book"....and I say "uha"! Pretty cool!
  • Have I mentioned I say "hi"?




1 comment:

Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

WOW Kate- you are growing up SO fast! I just FINALLY figured out how to see your blog so now I can leave you all sorts of messages! i love and miss you!