Sunday, June 7, 2009

15 1/2 months old!

I have been really busy exploring and learning all sorts of new things this week! We joined a new gym that is so cool! I love to go to the pool is like being in Florida! They have the coolest twirly slides and I can not wait til I get old enough and I can go down them! They also have a neat fountain that I love to go gets me all wet!

I have decided I want to stay up later than my normal 7:15 or 7:30 time frame. So, I have been staying up until at least 8pm! I love that I get to see mommy and daddy more! Grama taught me to walk on my tippy toes and I am really good at it! I even run around on my tippy toes when you say "tippy toes tippy toes"! It makes everyone laugh!

I say "medicine" and don't mind taking mine! I also say "chicken", "fruit", "Fork" and "mailman"! I am starting to do more 2 and 3 word phrases like " 1, 2 bus" and "out da door".

I am learning how to count and always say "2: in the right place...just need to learn the rest of the numbers! I love it when we are at the pool and daddy says "1, 2, 3...jump" and I jump right in the water at "3"!

I love to march around and even move my arms in marching order! Grama got me a pool for her house and we have lots of fun playing in the water for a lot of the day while mommy and daddy are at work! Oh yeah, I can say "work". I am working on learning to say "H&R Block" and "Hallmark"!

I think that is all for this past week! Hope everyone has a great week!

1 comment:

Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

You are growing up to be such a beautiful little girl! I can't believe how big you are getting and ALL those teeth! I love you!