Sunday, August 9, 2009


Okay, mom felt guilty for not posting any pictures this week SO she just downloaded and here they are!!

Grama F, Aunt Jenny, mommy and I all went shopping at Town Center on Grama's birthday (after we took her out to lunch with Papa at Spin Pizza). I fell in love with these crazy bird rain boots and just HAD to try them on! For some crazy reason mom would not buy them for me!

Here is a picture from Grama F's Bday party!!! I helped her open presents!

Here I am Saturday afternoon when mom and dad set up the ball sprinkler
in the yard and we got to play in it, eat popsicles and blow bubbles!! It was SO fun!

1 comment:

Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

The little girl is no longer a little girl! What a big girl holding her own popsicle!!! Looks like you guys had a blast! Love you!