Saturday, July 3, 2010

Daddy's Birthday!

Yesterday was Daddy's birthday! We took him out to dinner at Garozzo's and Nama, Papa, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick all joined us! After dinner everybody came back to our house for cake and presents! Nama Vicki brought a really pretty strawberry pie and I picked out for Daddy a cookie monster cookie cake (boy do I wish we would have taken a picture of that)! I also picked out for him a cookie sanwich filled with and covered in red, white and blue frosting - that is what I chose to eat! It was so yummy and messy - I had red and blue icing all over me - my mouth, my hands and even my belly (we took off my clothes to eat it so nothing got ruined!).

I helped daddy open presents. He got lots of fun stuff things, but I think his favorite was what I got and green socks! I told him all along that I wanted to find him some, but mommy thought we would not find them BUT we did and they are so cool! They have the Polo horse on them just like my shoes! Daddy wore his pink socks and I wore mine..."the same"!!

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