Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Morning

I woke up about 7:05 Christmas morning very excited to see what Santa had brought us! After drinking my chocolate moo moo in bed and having to wait in bed with mommy and daddy while watching a Christmas show until 7:30 (daddy’s request until he was awake) we ventured downstairs to see what goodies Santa left us! I could see from the balcony that it was going to be a good day – TONS OF PRESENTS! I was also so excited to see that Santa ate all his cookies I left him!

I got such amazing presents from Santa – the Princess markers and the Barbies (even a Barbie glam vacation house) just like I asked him! I was so excited! I also got some really cool presents from mommy and daddy: a giant Princess Rapunzel doll, a Disney princess teacart, a Barbie pink BUG car and lots of other goodies! I played and played with them!

After we played and got ready it was time to go to Nama and Papa’s house for breakfast and a day full of Christmas fun!
Our morning was SO MUCH FUN mommy only got pictures of the aftermath...
she video taped all the excitement though!

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