Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas with the Fimmen's

We went to Nama and Papa’s house for an AWESOME day of playing, presents, yummy food and lots of fun! Nama, Papa, mommy, daddy and I all had a yummy breakfast of cinnamon rolls, egg casserole, Gigi’s homemade bread and bacon!!! After breakfast I showed everyone some of my new presents Santa had brought me and we played and played!

After my nap Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob and Anna came and the party really started! We had a very yummy dinner and then started PRESENTS! Anna and I helped Papa pass out presents and then we opened lots of really cool things! I got a Belle dress, belle shoes, a belle doll, Barbie stuff, princess jewelry, princess books, a baby bed for my princesses and lots of other really cool stuff!

After presents we played and played…I even had lots of fun playing in a big box! I would climb in and Nama would shut it and then I would pop out like a surprise!

Thank you all for making Christmas so much fun!

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