Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bippidi Boppidi Boutique!

Bippidi Boppidi Boutique was BY FAR the COOLEST thing I did while I was at Walt Disney World! It was my FAVORITE! I was able to go to a salon and my Fairy Godmother "Miss Patty" helped transform me into Princess Cinderella!

I got my makeup and hair all done! I was able to choose my hairstyle and I picked the bun just like Princesses wear. I was really patient and did everything Miss Patty asked me to do.

When she finally sprinkled Pixie dust on me and turned me around to face the mirror for my BIG reveal I was SO excited!!

Take a look at the transformation (and how my curly hair looks so straight in the bun)! Princess for the day!
Kate (AKA: Princess Cinderella)

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