Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day dinner!!

Tonight our FUN Mother's Day continued with dinner at Nama and Papa's!  We played outside, opened presents, I swung Ashley on the swing (and twirled her around and around and around and made her giggle like crazy), we had a yummy dinner and dessert!  We got mommy her FAVORITE dessert ever....DQ ice cream cake (the original kind with the vanilla and chocolate and fudge and cookie crumbles)....she was super excited!  It even said "Happy Mother's Day" on it!

Me and my Nama!

 This was the best with all of us!  HEEHEE!
 Aunt Jenny and her girls!
 Me and my Mommy!!!
 Anna and I made up some cheers and songs in honor of Mother's Day and performed them for everyone...we got lots of claps!!  They all LOVED it!

Happy Mother's Day!

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