Sunday, May 13, 2012

School field trip!

Thursday we had a school field trip to Deanna Rose farm!  Mommy even got to come with was so cool!  I got to play with my friends and my mom!  We saw animals, fed the baby goats (with a bottle), ran and played and then even got to have a snack!  the snack was homemade bread that we made in class...I got to share it with my mom!\

Here I am walking on a "balance beam"
 Megan and I played and played together!  We kept holding hands and had a great time!
 Here we are taking a rest on the swing.  Megan's dad said they will call us for play dates this summer!!!  I can't wait!
 Here we are with Avery!  I have had a play datew tih Avery before...she is one of my best friends at school!
 Feeding the baby goats!
 Taking a break in the shade with my class!
 Resting with Avery!
 Holding!  Morgan even joined us!
 Watching the crazy fish!
It was so much fun.  I can't believe the last day of school is already next week!

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