Monday, July 2, 2012

New Mexico: Party Crashers!

Daddy got us permission to attend one of his work the Hot Air Balloon Museum!  It was so cool!  We were the only kids there and we had a blast!  We ran around and played, got to look at all the cool things in the museum, ride a simulator hot air balloon, get pictures in a photo booth and even got a charactiture made!

Here are Izzie and me!

Hot air balloon museum!

A real hot air balloon basket!


There was lots of cool things to play on!

Here we are in the simulator!

We were supposed to be able to go up in a hot air balloon - but could not because of the fires.  We did get to watch them being all  blown up though...very cool!

Here I am getting drawn. When the artist asked what I like to do I said "cheerleading" - he drew me in a cheerleading outfit with pompoms!  So cool!

It was sure fun being a party crasher....I bet all the adults wondered who us kids were!

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