Monday, July 2, 2012

New Mexico: The Resort

Daddy had a business trip in New Mexico and mommy and I tagged along to stay at the beautiful resort and to see a part of the county we have never seen before!  The resort was beautiful...3 amazing pools, preety grounds, bunnies, geckos, shopping, restaurants and all sorts of activities.  We made smores a few nights, saw a movie outdoors at night, did the balloon toss, saw a cool tribal dance (courtesy of the meeting party dad went too - it was right outside our room)!  All of this in our resort- SO fun!  I took some of these cool pictures...

Some of the grounds...the Hummingbird Garden!

A view of one of the pools!

The living room - they had chess, checkers and lots of fun games to play!

Lots of jack rabbits...they were everywhere and let you get really close!
 Our view at the restaurant one night...
 Cool water fountain!
 A view into the quiet pool....adults only!
 An herb garden!
 A view from the pool - one of those rooms may have been ours!
 HUGE outdoor checkers!

 Lots of cactus'!
It was so beautiful...mountains surrounding the resort with such cool scenery.  New Mexicois very different from KC!

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