Thursday, July 18, 2013

Night on the town

One night on the town we ate at Duke's canoe Club.  It was a really fun restaurant with a huge salad bar right on the beach!  Mom and Dad ate at the one on Kauai and they loved it.  We loved this one too!

After that we walked along the the Waikiki beach walk and down the main strip and saw Hula dancers cool!

We rode the trolly that day and the workers kept calling me a baby...that is what they call young kids there, I guess.  One time he told dad - "oh, you don't have to pay for the baby" another time asked someone to help and said "can you go grab that shoe? the baby dropped it" (I dropped my flip flop off the trolly) and the last time when we loaded to get back on the the driver told me and mom "the baby can't sit next to the window".  I thought it was SO crazy- don't they know I am 5 and going into kindergarten? 


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