Sunday, August 18, 2013

Introducing.....Mia Horton

It took many hours of thinking and re-thinking, but we finally landed on the name Mia (middle name to come).  We had narrowed it down to Mia, Maya and Maggie....all adorable. I was able to chose the name and we all LOVE Mia!

Some information about her:
  • She was born June 19, 2013
  • She weighed a little over 3ll when we got her
  • Her mom's name is Obviously a Sweetheart and her Dad's name is Solid Rock (kinda funny, huh?)
  • She should weigh 12-15lb full grown
  • She had some salt and pepper brother and sisters in the pack 'n play with her (3 of them)
  • She is jet black with a small patch of grey hair on her chest 
 Her first night at our house went well.  She went straight to sleep, but woke up a few hours later needing to potty.  After she was put back in mom and dad's bathroom she cried and cried and howled and howled for ab out 25 minutes before she fell back to sleep.  She slept then until 5:45am when she started crying again.  After another potty trip she then cried and cried and screamed and screamed until 7am when mommy finally gave up and brought her in bed.  She loves cuddling with us and relaxing.

She is a really good girl!

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