Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Visitors...

Thanks to little Miss Mia we had 3 different sets of Sunday visitors!!  Yippee!  First, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley and Abby came over to play in the backyard and see the little girl!  They loved her and can't wait for her and Peanut to play!!

This afternoon Nama and Papa came over and we sat outside and played with Mia.  We even had happy hour....good idea daddy and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon in the back yard!

Then, later this afternoon Miss Lori, Sydney and Ella came over.  They got to meet and hold Mia and then we played in my new bedroom.  We danced and jumped on the bed...totally cool!

I would love to have this many visitors every Sunday!  Thanks for coming to see Mia (and us)!!!  


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