Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mom and Dad

I usually call my parents "mom" and "dad" now. I used to say (and still sometimes say "mommy" and "daddy". Mom and dad can not believe how big I sound calling them that!

Christmas with the Fimmen's

We went to Nama and Papa’s house for an AWESOME day of playing, presents, yummy food and lots of fun! Nama, Papa, mommy, daddy and I all had a yummy breakfast of cinnamon rolls, egg casserole, Gigi’s homemade bread and bacon!!! After breakfast I showed everyone some of my new presents Santa had brought me and we played and played!

After my nap Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob and Anna came and the party really started! We had a very yummy dinner and then started PRESENTS! Anna and I helped Papa pass out presents and then we opened lots of really cool things! I got a Belle dress, belle shoes, a belle doll, Barbie stuff, princess jewelry, princess books, a baby bed for my princesses and lots of other really cool stuff!

After presents we played and played…I even had lots of fun playing in a big box! I would climb in and Nama would shut it and then I would pop out like a surprise!

Thank you all for making Christmas so much fun!

Christmas Morning

I woke up about 7:05 Christmas morning very excited to see what Santa had brought us! After drinking my chocolate moo moo in bed and having to wait in bed with mommy and daddy while watching a Christmas show until 7:30 (daddy’s request until he was awake) we ventured downstairs to see what goodies Santa left us! I could see from the balcony that it was going to be a good day – TONS OF PRESENTS! I was also so excited to see that Santa ate all his cookies I left him!

I got such amazing presents from Santa – the Princess markers and the Barbies (even a Barbie glam vacation house) just like I asked him! I was so excited! I also got some really cool presents from mommy and daddy: a giant Princess Rapunzel doll, a Disney princess teacart, a Barbie pink BUG car and lots of other goodies! I played and played with them!

After we played and got ready it was time to go to Nama and Papa’s house for breakfast and a day full of Christmas fun!
Our morning was SO MUCH FUN mommy only got pictures of the aftermath...
she video taped all the excitement though!

A Horton Christmas Eve!

We always spend Christmas Eve with the Horton’s and this year was SO much fun! We played all morning and then at noon Gigi and Gipa came over for all the Christmas fun. Everyone had lunch while I finished up my nap…when I woke up it was present time!!!

I helped daddy be an elf and hand out presents and then it was opening time! Everyone let me go first and I opened some really fun stuff! I had to take breaks in opening because I wanted to PLAY with my goodies! In between my opening and during my play time the adults did some opening! Everyone got such great presents….it was SO MUCH FUN! Thank you so much for all the wonderful presents and such a fun time!

After dessert and more playing time we got in the car and drove back to our house so we could sleep in our beds when Santa came to our house!

When we got home we set out cookies for Santa and then ran into the front yard to sprinkle the magic food for the reindeer! I made sure the yard was covered so they would have enough to eat! Then I went to bed like a really good girl so that Santa could come to my house and deliver my presents! I was SO excited!


Christmas Eve Eve!

We went to Pittsburg Christmas Eve Eve and had lots of fun! We drive down with Papa Dick and since I was such a good girl and took a nap in the car I got to play the entire day in Pittsburg!

I was super excited to see all the wonderful presents under the tree! I could tell the one’s that were mine because they were in Princess wrapping paper…all PINK! After I peaked around the tree we went out to dinner at the Mall Deli, played like crazy and watched Christmas movies. Mommy, daddy and I all slept in daddy’s old bedroom and then we woke up the next day for some Christmas Eve fun…and present opening!

Uncle Chris!!!

Uncle Chris came in town for Christmas last week! His first stop once he got into Kansas City was to meet mommy, daddy, papa dick and me at Jalapenos for dinner! It was SO much fun seeing him – it had been a year since I saw him last and he thought I really grew into a BIG girl! He even said my hair was so LONG!!! YIPPEE!!

After dinner I convinced Uncle Chris and Papa Dick to come over to my house and play in the playroom! I showed them all of my toys, did some dress up and sang and danced for them. It was SO much fun!

I can’t wait to see Uncle Chris again!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cute picture of Papa Dick and Me!

More gymnastics pictures!!!

Fun at Nama and Papa's

Mommy and I went to Nama and Papa's yesterday to play while on vacation! Aunt Jenny and Anna were there too! It was so much fun!

I took these pictures!

I am a really good photographer! Here are some pictures I took yesterday with mommy's camera! CHEESE!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Letter to Santa

Macy's has this really cool mail box in the middle of the store. Last night, I mailed my letter to Santa so he knew what I wanted - Princess Markers, Barbies and a Jeep!

Next Stop - Olympic Glory

Last Saturday, I finished my last class of gymnastics. I even have a certificate to prove it! It was so much fun and can't wait to do it again!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Today I carried the calculator around and talked on it and typed on it like it was a blackberry (like mommy and daddy's)! It was SO cool!

While I was playing I said to mommy:
"Mommy, don't touch my blackberry please" and "Please be quiet mommy, I am talking to my girl friends on my blackberry!"

Mommy said I am growing up too fast! She also wonders if I learned to say those things from her....hmm!?!?!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm a nice girl

I am really nice to people and say really nice things to the people I love like:
"I love you"
"You are a cutie pie"
"You are so pretty"
"You are my best friend"
"You are a sweetie"
"You are my best"
"You are a good girl (or boy)"
"You are funny"

Tonights bedtime

As mommy and I were cuddling in my room for bed I said "a table for 1 please." Mommy asked me to say what I said again so I said "a table for 1 please"! Mommy laughed so hard we were both just cracking up. She asked me where I heard that and I told her it is what Tiana's mommy says on "The Princess and the Frog" movie. Mommy thinks I am just SO funny!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The other day at Nama's house I came out of the playroom telling Nama "you know, I am very concerned (it was about something in the playroom). Nama was so shocked I used the word concerned the right way!

1 turd

I am a tricky and very smart kiddo. I do not like bedtime. In fact, if I had it my way we would stay up so late that we would all just fall asleep in mommy and daddy's bed while watching a movie or reading a book.

We have our standard bedtime routine: read books, brush teeth, potty, cuddle for a few minutes and then bedtime. Every night for the past 3 weeks once we go through the normal routine and mommy is cuddling with me in my bed I tell her "I have to go potty"..of course she takes me AGAIN because she is afraid I will potty in the bed. Every night I manage to squeeze out 1 turd...and do you know why?? If I poop I still get to put a Princess sticker on the potty chart (although I am way past potty training)...and guess what - this PROLONGS bedtime even MORE! as I must slowly and thoughtfully pick out the best princess sticker and then must even more thoughtfully determine the best place to put her on the potty chart!

I am a GENIUS!


"I am confused" I said today to mommy as I was looking at the Kmart ad. "Here is the princesses, but the Princess Tiana bed is over here (on another page). Mommy was so surprised I used the word "confused" the right way.

Note from my teachers

"Kate is a very caring child. She gets upset when our new boy gets upset. We are working with her that she does not need to cry just because he is."

Very caring Kate

Monday, December 6, 2010

St. Nicholas

I was so excited to hear that TODAY was St. Nicholas day! Last night mommy, daddy and I all set our our shoes and I eagerly awaiting this morning to see what he put in them! I should tell you...I set out my biggest, tallest shoes (my high brown boot) so St. Nicholas could fill them full of goodies!

I was so excited to see my shoes filled with lots of goodies. He gave a an orange, lip gloss rings, m&ms and hair accessories (clips, ponytail holders and bobby pins)! I scored BIG time...just practicing for Christmas! I loved it!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Gigi was in town and I loved every minute of her time here! We got to play a lot. I showed her some of my Princess movies and taught her who all the princesses were - i even dressed up like some! She and I made snicker doodle cookies and I got to "help" and eat her yummy homemade bread! I LOVE it (especially with butter on it)!

We spent lots of time at Nama and Papa's house together! She came over to our house for a chili dinner daddy made and I got to show her all my stuff - my bedroom, playroom, toys and Christmas tree in my bedroom! We all even went over to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Robs house for a fun pizza dinner!

I had SO much fun with her and can't wait to see her again! I LOVE you Gigi!


Nama, Aunt Jenny and I were talking about Christmas and Santa the other day. They were talking about how Santa comes down the chimney and I added...When he comes down the chimney he will do the "crazy cousin dance"! This is the dance Anna and I do by the fireplace! Everyone thought that was SO funny!

Thanksgiving at Nama & Papa's

Here are the Thanksgiving pictures at Nama and Papa’s house! Notice Anna and I doing the “crazy cousin dance” on the fireplace! We love to dance to that song!!

Thanksgiving in Parsons - pictures

Here are pictures from the Thanksgiving dinner in Parson’s with Pap Dick’s side of the family! I had so much fun playing with everyone!